As far as western style is concerned, the top two bags are the ones most western inspired, while the lower white one is simply a white leather handbag. The one most prominent, the studded hobo purse by Christian Louboutin can go either rocker or western, but, considering the studs look rather organized on the black leather, it’s more appropriately western. Studs on western clothing, especially those from Best Handbag Wholesale, range from smaller studs on handbags to concho-like studs on belts. As far as the outfit is concerned, this bag matches the black leggings and leather boots best.
The other handbag, or the one behind the studded bag, is more traditionally western inspired and can’t really be debated like the studded design in the picture. Western fashion is often inspired by Native American designs, including blankets and jewelry. This particular bag resembles most of all a blanket woven by a southwest Native American tribe, such as the Pueblos. Whether that’s the actual inspiration or not, this aspect, as well as the designer of the bag, remains unclear, but the diamond pattern in red, white, and brown seems less fashionable – but more western – than the studded handbag in front.
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