The difference between a low-end designer brand like Coach and a high-end designer handbag like Balenciaga is the pervasiveness of the monogram. Nearly all Coach handbags, including their patchwork designs, include their brown-on-brown monogram pattern. They’re not the only designer brand that does this, however. The Louis Vuitton bag seen on Jessica Simpson a few weeks ago is also guilty of the same thing. Nevertheless, this patchwork Balenciaga bag doesn’t stoop low enough to include a monogram material and, in fact, all materials used for this patchwork style are uniform. The bag itself focuses on the combination of colors resulting from the patchwork – not cramming in five to ten different materials on the same bag.
As Balenciaga handbags can cost a few months’ worth of rent, where would you find a more affordable look? As Best Handbag Wholesale keeps ahead with the latest trends, similar patchwork handbags are part of the selection. This handbag under the link goes with a similar bold color scheme as Schiffer’s Balenciaga bag and all pieces used have an angular cut. Mainly, though, this handbag has a western edge to it, and each piece of leather used is patterned and detailed like a cowboy boot and embossed.
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