If you think about the items that you always carry with you, I’m sure the first thing that comes to mind is your western handbag. Whether it’s a designer handbag, a tote-style bag or just a small clutch, most women always have some type of bag with them when they travel around. It’s not just the designer style that makes your bag unique though – what’s inside is also very important to the bag’s usefulness. Although you probably have a number of items exclusively your own, here are some general items you should always have in your purse:
Chap Stick – As the winter months roll in, the cold air is blowing around, causing all kinds of problems, especially for your lips. The colder it gets, the more likely you are to split your lip or just have chapping problems. Having a chap stick at the ready is a great idea, especially since you never know when your lips will be dry. Keep one in your wholesale handbag.
Moisturizer – Having some lotion or other moisturizing product follows along the same thread as having chap stick. If it’s cold out, your skin can easily get dry and cracked and become unhealthy as a result. Lotion will keep your skin hydrated, but only if you have some in your purse.
Hand Sanitizer – The world can be a dirty place, especially if you live in the city. Taking the subway or merely grabbing a shopping cart can expose your hands to a lot of germs that might get you sick. A travel-size container of hand sanitizer is a great option when a sink isn’t readily available. Take it out of your purse when your hands are feeling grimy.
There are a lot of other items you should always carry in your purse, but these should help you get a good start. What do you keep in your purse?
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