If you can shell out $6,000 for a handbag then you probably won’t have trouble dropping $700 on an accessory. Luxury brand Fendi is introducing a line of small, furry, decorative creatures made from mink that can be used to decorate exclusive Fendi handbags. The creatures are called “Bag Bugs” and come in eight different varieties.
Business Insider described the” Bugs” as a cross between Pokemon and Furby and the furry add-ons feature catchy names such as Lucifur, Snobius and Kooky.
On the Fendi website the accessories are described as a “posse of furry and playful little Buggies that forcefully spread good luck charm across the globe with contagious appeal”. It’s not like Fendi to be modest.
The handbag maker goes on to say each Buggie will “add an exclusive touch to your must-have accessory”.
While we agree handbags are a must have it’s hard to identify the market that will want to add furry creatures to their handbags. Young tweens, maybe. Sophisticated adults, probably not. Still, Fendi doesn’t cater to your common consumer so why not.
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