Fashion blogger Tina Craig, who has reviewed thousands of handbags, has launched her own handbag line called Snob Essentials. She has tried to create handbags that address features that she believes are lacking in other handbags. Craig’s handbags are designed to be fashionable, functional, high quality, and a good value. She designed them to appeal to consumers who are smart, have discerning taste, and know what they want.
Craig has been reviewing handbags for almost a decade. In that time, she has gained a wealth of knowledge about handbag design and function. Craig said that after reviewing thousands of handbags, she identified important features that she felt were missing and included them in her original designs. She said a new handbag can update a fall wardrobe without the need to buy many new clothes.
The bags are designed to be multifunctional. The larger bags have external pouches to carry essentials, such as money and keys, to avoid having to carry a large tote bag. The backpack can hold all of the necessities and can be worn on the arm to provide easy access to items.
Her fall collection was inspired by old world European luxury. The collection includes rich jewel-toned colors for fall and French sequined tweed. All of the hardware is plated and weighed, and all of the zippers and feet are functional. The bags are crafted with luxurious detailing that includes features such as custom hardware, hand-painted details, and double-bond biased stitching that are uncommon for bags in that price range.
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