How to Spot a Fake Handbag

how to spot fake handbagPeople who buy luxury handbags spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars for original designs and quality materials and craftsmanship. However, the internet, street vendors, flea markets, and other places are full of cheaper counterfeits, and many people will take advantage of unsuspecting consumers. Here are some tips on how to tell if the handbag you are thinking about buying is the real deal or a fake.

Bags sold at flea markets and on the street are more likely to be knockoffs than ones you would find in a store. Bags sold second-hand online could also be fakes if they are not sold by trusted companies. You are better off buying a handbag from a store affiliated with the brand or a reputable department store.

Luxury handbags should be made with quality workmanship. The stitching should be straight and never frayed. Seams are rarely glued. Tags are usually hand-stitched.

Pleather is a cheaper material than leather that is commonly used in counterfeit handbags. Leather is usually dry to the touch and feels heavier than pleather. Leather should not be light, sticky, or oily. Run your fingers across the material to see how it feels.

Authentic handbags should have quality hardware. Charms, logos, clasps, and closures should feel heavy, not light. Zippers should open and close easily.

Many counterfeiters base their designs on low-quality photographs of authentic bags that may not show details well. As a result, knockoff handbags sometimes have glaring mistakes, such as misspelled names and words. These are dead giveaways that the handbag is a fake.

Check the label for the place where the handbag was manufactured. Compare it to where you know authentic handbags by that designer are made to help you determine whether it is real or a knockoff.

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