Fashion designers tend to embrace extremes. Years ago, bags were enormous, but things have swung back in the opposite direction. A new trend is the micro handbag that is barely large enough to fit a cell phone, wallet, and lipstick. Some women carry micro bags as accessories to complement other, larger handbags.
Handbag designers are creating micro handbags for two reasons. One is that they allow entry-level consumers to buy one of the label’s products at a lower price point, making luxury handbags affordable to a wider range of people. Micro bags allow fashion designers to preserve their exclusive status because they are made with the same quality materials and craftsmanship as larger and more expensive versions.
Micro bags are also becoming desirable for customers who typically purchase larger, pricier handbags. Consumers who are loyal to a particular brand will often not think twice about spending hundreds or thousands of dollars more on a smaller bag.
These tiny bags obviously have practical limitations. They are usually so small that they can carry only the bare essentials, and some are even too small to fit a large cell phone.
A micro handbag can be useful if you are going out for a short period of time and only need to carry a few things. It can also be a way to accent a wardrobe and complement another handbag. However, a micro handbag will not take the place of a larger handbag to carry all of the everyday essential items that most women need to have.
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