Customers who pre-ordered Everpurse handbags are disappointed that they have not received them or the replacements they were promised, even though the purses are available to new customers online and in stores through Kate Spade.
Chicago-based startup Everpurse makes handbags that can charge cell phones. Dan and Liz Salcedo founded Everpurse in 2012. The company raised $238,000 on Kickstarter in late 2013, far surpassing its goal of $100,000.
Some customers pre-ordered Everpurses over a year ago and still have not received them. In May, Dan Salcedo said customers who pre-ordered products or requested replacements would be able to upgrade to Kate Spade wristlets.
The Kate Spade x Everpurse handbag line incorporates Everpurse’s smartphone-charging technology into Kate Spade’s handbag designs. Kate Spade is selling two wristlets and small and large totes with charging pockets compatible with the iPhone 6 and 6S. The handbags became available online in November, and some styles can also be purchased in stores.
Everpurse told customers over the summer that the purses would ship in September. The company more recently told customers that their bags would ship in a week or two. So far, Everpurse has not delivered on its promise to send Kate Spade wristlets to customers who pre-ordered handbags but did not receive them.
Customers have been complaining on social media that they still have not received their Kate Spade wristlets. Everpurse has told customers they do not have access to the Kate Spade bags. Customers are frustrated that they are still waiting, while new customers are able to purchase the products directly from Kate Spade online or in stores.
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