Many people who buy handbags do not plan to keep them forever. They may want to replace a handbag with a new style or may be looking for a return on their investment. If you are buying a handbag and thinking about selling it in the future, you want to choose one that will hold its value so you can get back most of what you paid for it. Several luxury handbags have been consistently found to be good investments.
Generally speaking, handbags from top luxury designers in excellent condition with no visible damage can be sold for an average of 63 percent of their retail price. A few brands consistently performed better than others in terms of resale value. Hermes, Chanel, and Goyard hold their resale value the best. In some cases, supply and demand even enable sellers to get back more than they initially paid for these bags.
The average retention value of a Hermes bag is 72 percent. Sellers can earn 1.3 times the retail price when they sell bags made with rare leather or limited color combinations. Sellers earn an average of 86 percent for Chanel handbags. The Chanel 2.55 consistently sells for at least 85 percent of its retail value and can sell for more if it is in excellent condition or has an exotic skin. The average resale value for Louis Vuitton bags is over 70 percent. Sellers can get 1.3 times the retail price for Goyard bags. Proenza Schouler bags do not hold their value as well as some other luxury handbag labels.
The best way to make sure you will get most of your money back when you sell your handbag is to choose a classic style and shape that have consistently been popular with consumers. Three of the most popular handbag styles are the Chanel 2.55 bag, the Louis Vuitton Neverfull, and the Hermes Birkin.
If you would rather not go with a classic design and would prefer to take your chances with something else, you can buy a rare, limited edition, or unique handbag from one of these brands. You might be able to get back most of what you paid for the bag when you sell it in the future because the bag will no longer be being made, but there is no guarantee that you will. Some bags, such as the Louis Vuitton Stephen Sprouse collection, do not hold their value as well as other bags made by that label.
You do not need to make resale value the most important factor when you choose a handbag. You might plan to carry the bag for several years before you sell it, so buy a style that you like and that makes you feel comfortable. You might be happy getting less money back when you resell a bag if you enjoyed using it while you owned it.
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