Shopping for a concealed-carry purse or handbag can be overwhelming, especially if it’s your first one. Naturally, you want something stylish, but you also want something functional. This invariably raises the question: must you choose one over the other? No, not necessarily. You can certainly get style without sacrificing functionality, and vice versa; however, when browsing, it’s best to prioritize functionality. Before you worry about style, make sure that your prospective bag features these 5 elements.
1. A Pocket Just For Your Gun
If you’re ever in a situation where you need to use your gun, you need it to be somewhere that’s easy for you to get to. The last thing you want is for your gun to share space with your makeup, hairbrush, cell phone, mints, and lipstick. Ensure that whatever purse you choose has a dedicated pocket for your gun. Generally, these pockets are found on the back of the bag, so if you’re unsure, turn it around.
2. The Pocket Should Be Big Enough For Your Hand
When browsing for concealed-carry handbags, don’t just look—test. Unzip the gun-carrying compartment and stick your hand in there. Does your hand fit comfortably enough to grab your gun if you needed it?
3. The Pocket Should Seal With 1 Downward Facing Zipper
Singular gun-carrying pockets are typically sealed from view with a zipper. It’s important that this zipper is also singular, and that it faces downward. During a situation where guns are drawn, adrenaline and tensions run high. Imagine if you had to unzip the opening of one compartment to get to another. When your heart is pounding and your hands are shaking, you don’t need this added stress. Simply put, 2 zippers are 1 zipper too many. Make it easy for yourself, and make sure there is only 1 downward-facing zipper to open.
4. Consider A (Removable) Holster In The Compartment
Holsters simply add security to your bag’s gun pocket. A holster essentially hinders the weapon from wavering as you go about your day. Ideally, you should opt for a purse that has one already, and if it doesn’t, then you can purchase one separately.
5. Opt for Longevity by Buying Leather
Real leather bags last a long time. Since concealed-carry bags are an investment in style and safety, it’s better to choose something that is proven to withstand the test of time.
Now that you know what to look for, be sure to check out our robust collection of concealed weapons purses and handbags—you won’t be disappointed!
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