Not to stereotype women’s fashion trends, but it’s out of place when a woman doesn’t have some type of bag to carry her belongings in. Mothers carry around designer totes for baby goods and single girls have clutches for those all important first dates. But how are wholesale handbags chosen when there isn’t an obvious choice? Do you fret every time you look through your western handbag selection, not knowing which bag to pick? Well, according to a piece in Business Daily, you’re not alone.
This is an especially difficult area of choice for women looking to convey power, according to the article. One woman who seemed to have it all figured out was Margaret Thatcher, the former prime minister of Great Britain:
“The issue of Margaret Thatcher’s handbag came up. According to press reports, the handbag was a power symbol. This mainly because it had carried many important State documents such that it became synonymous with the power held by the owner. This led to the coining of the word ‘handbagging’ referring to Margaret Thatcher’s abrasive style while dealing with those who annoyed her. It is said that the handbag wielded so much power that at one time when she left the handbag on the table briefly during a meeting she was chairing one of those present quipped the meeting could continue since ‘the handbag is here’.”
If you are looking to convey power with your choice of handbag like Thatcher did, this column describes the ways in which your specific bag can influence a situation like Thatcher’s did. It is important to understand a handbag’s place, the article says, especially in social and economic situations. In social situations, the handbag is an area of discussion between women while remaining secure. At the same time, the handbag represents financial prowess in economical terms, seeing as the money inside can be both paper and plastic.
Finally, as the management within companies begins to shift towards more female administration, handbags will become a force to be reckoned with in every situation. Choose wisely.
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